Tuesday, February 22, 2011

22/2/2011 Founder's Day

A memorial mourn and ceremony on 22nd February 2011... The Founder's Day...

BP founder's Camp

Raising 1st Kajang Scout Flag ceremony by the Troop Leader.

Ready to dinner. :)

YEAH !!!

All the scout from 1st Kajang Scout Troop.
Once a scout, Always a scout!

A campfire during the first day night.
Campfire burning, Campfire Burning!!

Its around 5.30am, We get ready to hike the broga hill.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Founder's Day

February 22nd marks the birthday of Lord Robert Baden-Powell the founder of the Scout Movement. Coincidentally, B-P (born in 1857) and his wife Olave Baden-Powell (born in 1889), shared the same birthday.

Nearly all National Scout Associations throughout the world, celebrate this day as « Founder's Day ». It is considered a special day, as well as an opportunity to learn more about BP's life and his work. His Writings remain inspiring to many and incredibly on phase with our times.

February 22nd is also celebrated by Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world as World Thinking Day or just Thinking Day. It is a day to think about the meaning of Guiding and Scouting and about other countries and cultures.

Wishing all the 1st Kajang Boy Scout Happy Founder's Day on 22 Feb and please recite to the Scout Promise.

Once A Scout, Always a Scout.

'Be Prepared, Look Wide"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thursday (17 / 2 / 11 )

This coming thursday (17 / 2 / 11 ) there will be a scout pameran at the school foyer...

To all members please be informed and help to give your support to our pameran.

Thank you

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What is a Boy Scout?!

A SCOUT! He enjoys a hike through the woods more than he does a walk over the city's streets. He can tell North or South or East or West by the "signs." He can tie a knot that will hold, he can climb a tree which seems impossible to others, he can swim a river, he can pitch a tent, he can mend a tear in his trousers, he can tell you which fruits and seeds are poisonous and which are not, he can sight nut-bearing trees from a distance; he can reef a sail or take his trick at the wheel, and can pull an oar or use paddles and sculls; he knows the stars by name and can find his way by them; he can identify birds and animals and fish and knows the ways and habitat of each.

A Scout walks through the woods with silent tread. No dry twigs snap under his feet and no loose stones turn over and throw him off his balance. His eyes are keen and he sees many things that others do not see. He sees tracks and signs which reveal to him the nature and habits of the creatures that made them. He knows how to stalk birds and animals and study them in their natural haunts. He sees much, but is little seen.

A Scout holds his honor to be his most precious possession, and he would die rather than have it stained. He knows what is his duty and all obligations imposed by duty he fulfills of his own free will. His sense of honor is his only taskmaster, and his honor he guards as jealously as did the knights of old. In this manner a Scout wins the confidence and respect of all people.

A Scout chooses as his motto "Be Prepared," and he seeks to prepare himself for anything--to rescue a companion, to ford a stream, to gather firewood, to help strangers, to distinguish right from wrong, to serve his fellow men, his country, and his God--always to "Be Prepared".